Social Media and the Middle Way

February 15th, 2011

Being Buddhist (or Buddhist-y) can be alienating in some ways.

The philosophy doesn’t view a lot of modern American habits as skillful (consumerism, identity, and social media).

Tricycle, a magazine about Buddhism that I sometimes see in Whole Foods (but have never picked up) has this article regarding being mindful on social media.

I’m still not going to start tweeting, but if you already do participate, these tips are good:

3. If you propose to tweet, always ask yourself: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?
Sometimes we post thoughts without considering how they might impact our entire audience. It’s easy to forget how many friends are reading. Two hundred people make a crowd in person, but online that number can seem insignificant. Before you share, ask yourself: is there anyone this might harm?

(this is “Right Speech” for twitter)


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